Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (SCHH)

Entity Release and Past Life Regression!

Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (SCHH)

What is Soul Center Healing Hypnosis?

Laura Whitworth developed Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (S.C.H.H.®) to integrate Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing into a holistic approach that addresses every aspect of a client’s healing journey. Through her years of experience, Laura has discovered that many common Past Life Regression methods don't cover crucial issues such as unresolved trauma from this lifetime or energetic blockages that prevent clients from reaching the Theta Brainwave state.

For clients dealing with present-day trauma or stress, it is essential to address these issues first before delving into past lives. Additionally, clients may face energetic attachments or entities that interfere with their ability to fully engage in the process. In these cases, it’s important to first remove these entities/attachments/trauma, Cleanse and clean and restore the chakras, and reseal the aura.

The Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (S.C.H.H.) technique ensures that any trauma or energetic disturbances are cleared and balanced before proceeding into the Past Life Regression journey and engaging with the Higher Self for deeper insight.

What does a session include?

Pre-session chat (1 hour)

The first hour is dedicated to reviewing your questionnaire, discussing the challenges you're currently facing, and exploring your goals and expectations for the session.

Session 1 -Hypnosis ( 1.5 -2 hours) Progressive Relaxation -Entity/Trauma Release and Rebuild Chakras

A deep relaxation of the body helps you effortlessly enter the Theta brainwave state.

The Theta brainwave state refers to a specific frequency range of brain activity, typically between 4 and 8 Hz. It is commonly associated with deep relaxation, light sleep, and meditation. In the Theta state, the mind is highly receptive, often linked to creativity, enhanced intuition, and a deep sense of calm.

Hypnosis - Relaxation of the Mind

Next, I help relax your mind, allowing you to gently enter the Theta state. This deeper state of awareness naturally occurs twice a day—just before sleep at night and upon waking in the morning. It is from this profound level of awareness that guidance, insights, and healing can emerge.

Entity Release & Energetic Body Rebuild/Trauma Release

With the support of our healing teams and Archangels, we assess and remove any entity or energy attachments/traumas, restore the chakras, and reseal the aura to prevent new attachments from forming.

Session 2-Hypnosis ( 1.5-2 hours) Progressive RelaxationPast Life Regression/Multi-Dimensional Soul Travel

You will then be guided into a regression, either to a past life or another aspect of your Multi-Dimensional Self. Your Higher Self will lead you to the lifetime that holds the most relevance, providing clarity for your current life.

Higher Self Questions and Healing

Once the Past Life Regression is complete, I will then connect with your Higher Self to ask your questions and facilitate any healing it deems necessary.

The Higher Self is often described as the most enlightened and authentic aspect of an individual. It is considered a part of you that is connected to your soul, your deeper wisdom, and your true essence. While your everyday consciousness is influenced by your thoughts, emotions, and the material world, the Higher Self is seen as a more expansive, intuitive, and spiritual part that exists beyond these limitations.


A two-session bundle can be purchased for $444 (Duration - 4-5 hours)

However, If you only wish to have a session for entity/trauma release and chakra & aura healing then the session is $255

Package Offer- Soul Centre Healing Hypnosis + Spiritual Coaching - $555

The package also includes 1 hr of Basic Meditation

Duration -7 to 7 hrs 30 min

Watch videos on Entity Release and Past Life Regression

If you're curious about our services and want to dive deeper into what we offer, we invite you to schedule a complimentary 15-minute Zoom call with us. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and gain a better understanding of how our services can meet your needs. Please email me at

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woman in pink dress sitting on wooden pathway
woman in pink dress sitting on wooden pathway